"Are there any who are sick among you? Let them send for the priests of the Church, and let the priests pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord..." (James)
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is also known by many as Extreme Unction. This sacrament is received when someone is dying, getting a serious surgery, or has some serious health issues. It is a repeatable sacrament, you can recieve it more than once.
Please call the Parish Office to arrange for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for yourself or someone in need. You can also ask a priest before or after Mass to receive it before your trip to the hospital.
Parish Office 847.426.2217
Congratulations to our engaged couples!
At St. Catherine's of Siena we look forward to helping you on your journey to recieve the Sacrament of Matrimony at our Church.
For a wedding to be celebrated in the Catholic Diocese of Rockford, both individuals must be 19 years of age at the time of the Wedding. You must contact the Pastor at least six (6) months in advance of your wedding date. This is required in order to enable sufficient time to complete an effective marriage preparation and collect the necessary paperwork.
Please contact the parish office asap to inquire about marriage at St. Catherine's. 847-426-2217
Interested to learn more about the Catholic faith and receiving the sacraments of the Church? We invite adults who have not been baptized and would like to be, as well as for Christians of other denominations who would like to be received into the Roman Catholic Church, and for baptized Catholics who have not yet received the Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confirmation.
For more information, please contact Deacon Hank @ 847-426-2217